
Since 1999, SimCon Services has provided a wide range of simulation services to a variety of public and private organisations.

Here are a selection of clients, and the projects involved.

Adacel Technologies

SimCon Services established the ISO9001-accredited Quality System for the HMAS WATSON simulators support contract. Peter Hill was the Site Manager, responsible for a team of 16 Engineering, Maintenance and IT support staff.

The Engineering Development system enabled simulators to be designed and manufactured in an extremely cost-effective manner.

CAE Australia

Analysed a new range of CAE’s modelling products and matched their capabilities with the requirements of the Defence Capability Plan. A market potential and strategy document was produced. This was largely put into effect by CAE.

CSC Australia

In conjunction with CSC, wrote an "Introduction to Simulation" for the Australian Defence Simulation Office's "Simulation Manual". The Introduction was designed for novices to the field, and was written in a user-friendly, engaging manner, with numerous photos.

Department of Innovation Industry Science and Research

Contracted to the Department of Innovation Industry Science and Research to provide expert simulation technology and market knowledge to assist the Joint Strike Fighter Industry Team (JSF IT) (and later the Training and Simulation Industry Team) in winning work for Australia. This involved:

  • Researching high-level technical capabilities (eg ADL CoLab, DSTO's R&D, CRCs) within Australia and between JSF Partners to form synergies for Australia to win work.
  • Liaising with JSF IT to nominate complex technically compatible consortia to provide comprehensive and competitive responses to requirements.
  • Eliciting opportunities by critically analysing the customers’ published, spoken and inferred requirements.
  • When required by DIISR, representing Australian industry to global networked simulation and training organisations.
  • Evaluating R&D proposals.

Department of Defence – Australian Defence Simulation Office

SimCon Services surveyed the ADF for the Australian Defence Simulation Office for potential candidates for simulation standards.

Mainline Consulting

Mainline provided strategic advice and tender management services to a large employment services company. Peter Hill drove the project to obtain ISO9001:2000 certification; writing many of the procedures.

Metro Trains Melbourne

Technical advice to MTM and V/Line for the procurement of two Full Mission Driving Simulators, and a route-learning theatrette. Conducted an independent assessment of conformance to the contracted specification.

Mining Exploration Company

A company with little experience of simulation was interested in purchasing a simulation company. The consultancy included analysing the market in the relevant sectors, and assessing the value of the company’s simulation intellectual property.

Mining Industry Skills Centre

Peter Hill provided Project Definition and Management mentoring for part of the Project Canary serious game development process.

Monash University Accident Research Centre

Peter Hill estimated the MUARC car simulator upgrade cost for a grant application by Monash University, and was a technical advisor on the Tender Evaluation Committee. Project Management advisor during implementation (May 2007 to December 2009).

Project Outcomes

As a member of Project Outcomes' team for the Australian Defence Simulation Office's Defence Simulation Support Panel, Peter Hill undertook a number of projects:

  • developed Training Needs Analysis documents and initial RFQ Specifications for three Navy Minors simulators
  • Undertook a review of the Navy’s Submarine simulators
  • developed the Market Survey for an early phase of the JP3028 - Defence Simulation Program.

Queensland Government’s Department of Tourism, Regional Development and Industry

SimCon Services conducted an assessment of the Queensland simulation industry, and potential for growth and investment in new sectors, for the Queensland Government’s Department of Tourism, Regional Development and Industry.

Transport NSW / RailCorp

Peter Hill was Technical Adviser and Project Manager for the upgrade of four training simulators by RailCorp NSW, and the development of a Desktop Simulator. The scope ranged from Request For Tender to project implementation. Consulting included:

  • Developing the funding submission documentation, and obtaining senior management approval
  • Liaising with the Customer to determine the operational requirements, and expressing them as technical requirements for the supplier
  • Conducting the Request For Tender Process (specifications, evaluation plan and report)
  • Reviewing and approving the design
  • Verifying test documentation for completeness and witnessing the testing
  • Checking the cost / benefits of contract variations
  • Contributed to the technical aspects of the Systems Design Review, Preliminary Design Review and Critical Design Review of the Waratah Train Driver and Guard simulators.
  • Project Managed the upgrade of RailCorp’s V-Set Simulator to add Automatic Train Protection functionality; including: preparation of the technical specification, tender evaluation plan, documents and drawings review, Test Procedures review and witnessing.
  • Developed the ATP strategy for all RailCorp Simulators, including a new Driver Desktop Simulator System.

Simulation Australia

As contracted Executive Officer, Peter Hill was responsible for many aspects of the operations of Simulation Australia (formerly the Simulation Industry Association of Australia), including administration, conference management and web-site development.

Thales Australia

Peter Hill assisted in a number of simulation tenders, including Bid Manager for the ASLAV Crew Procedure Trainer, and several maintenance and support tenders.