
SimCon Services offer a complete suite of services in the simulation and education sector.

Some of the services we offer include

Business Analysis

Through his Departmental and Business Unit Management positions, and consultancies, Principal Consultant Peter Hill has considerable business experience which is utilized to analyse business and market environments, and produce feasibility options and business plans.

Project Development

SimCon has developed a number of templates to guide the production of governance documents, including:
  • Business Plan Template
  • Simulation Centre Implementation Process
Peter Hill has extensive Project Development experience in the public and private sectors. Peter developed a Simulation Contract Management course which is designed to help project officers understand the issues in writing specifications and letting contracts. Have a look at the slides.

Project Management

Peter Hill has over thirty years of experience in managing complex computer-based projects in the public and private sectors.

Needs Analyses

The success of a project is greatly enhanced by a comprehensive Needs Analysis. This is a comprehensive, thorough assessment of:
  • A Training Needs Analysis to determine the most effective blended learning solution to meet the training objectives
  • Facilities and equipment
  • Staffing – administration, instructors, faculty
  • Sustainment arrangements and required funding

Equipment procurement advice and services

Successful equipment procurement requires:
  • A Training Needs Analysis to determine the equipment features and numbers to meet the training outcomes and throughput
  • A good knowledge of the supplier market
  • A technical specification which meets the training requirements, but which is feasible
  • Commercial acumen to ensure there are no “traps”
  • Effective Tendering processes
SimCon's Principal Consultant has extensive experience of the total Procurement process, including:
  • Establishment of a cross-function Evaluation Team
  • Production of a Tender Evaluation Plan
  • Conduct of the Tender Evaluation process, including risk assessment
  • Producing the Recommendation and Report to management

Quality Improvement

Principal Consultant Peter Hill has established a number of Quality systems based on ISO9000:2000, and undertook a Quality Assessor's course.

Risk Management

SimCon Services can assist with the establishment of a Risk Management system conforming to the AS/NZS ISO 31000 Risk Management Standard.

Advice and training on simulation technologies

SimCon's Principal Consultant has extensive training and technical experience, plus a good knowledge of the supplier market. The various companies we liaise with understand that we will only provide objective and ethical information that focuses on ensuring the customer gets the right advice and outcome.

Independent advice on industry consultants

Based on our intimate knowledge of the simulation industry we provide objective and ethical advice in this area plus recommendations across a range of providers associated with the healthcare and simulation industry.

Workshop and Seminar Management

SimCon's Principal Consultant has extensive experience in identifying, planning, developing, marketing, delivering and evaluating half-day and one-day workshops, and have specialist consultants who can help with local and national conferences.

National and international liaisons and collaborations

SimCon's Principal Consultant has a consultative relationship with an extensive number of local, national and international experts in the simulation community.