
Peter Hill

Peter Hill
Principal Consultant

Peter Hill, BSc (Computer Science), BE (Electrical), MBA is a Principal Consultant for SimCon Services.

Peter has over 25 years experience as a Project Manager for complex, computer-based projects, including the $40m Ship's Management System for the Collins Class submarines. This involved leading a team of 25 software and hardware development engineers, supervising a manufacturing team, and liaising with the Swedish and Australian customers.

In 1995, as the Advanced Systems Engineering (ASE) Business Manager for Wormald Technology, Peter led a team which tendered for, won, and completed the F-111C Mission Simulator.

Peter started Simcon (Simulation Consulting) Services in 1999 to offer his technical, business, management and quality system experience to the simulation community.

Peter was a founding member of the Simulation Industry Association of Australia (now Simulation Australia), being Chairman before starting SimCon Services. This includes helping organising the SimTecT and SimHealth conferences, and providing advice to the Australian Society of Simulation in Healthcare (ASSH). Peter also supervised the ASSH Department of Health and Ageing pilot simulation training program.

As an independent consultant, Peter has worked with a number of federal and state government departments, including industry development advice to the Department of Industry and the Queensland Government's Department of Tourism, Regional Development and Industry. 

Peter has been Project Manager for the purchase and later upgrade of four training simulators by RailCorp NSW, from Request For Tender to project implementation. Consulting included:

  • Developing the funding submission documentation, and obtaining senior management approval
  • Liaising with the Customer to determine the operational requirements, and expressing them as technical requirements for the supplier
  • Conducting the Request For Tender Process (specifications, evaluation plan and report)
  • Reviewing and approving the design
  • Verifying test documentation for completeness and witnessing the testing
  • Checking the cost / benefits of contract variations

Peter estimated the Monash University Accident Research Centre car simulator upgrade cost for a grant application, and was a technical advisor on the Tender Evaluation Committee, and then Project Management advisor during implementation.

For further information, download Peter's CV.